Recipero Ltd.

Global property history reporting and due-diligence API

Calls to the API must be for genuine use and responses from the API must not be stored for the purpose of creating an offline copy of the information stored. Failure to comply with this requirement will infringe the API License.

ClaimsCheck API Methods

Claim Submission

POST /claimscheck/submitclaim


The purpose of this method is to submit claim information to ClaimsCheck. The request and response will be JSON.


The table below describes the inputs available when making a ClaimsCheck Claim submission.
Field Name Value Description
claimtype String The type of claim. “logged” claims are claims that have not yet been settled and these records will not cause a red result on CheckMEND. “settled” claims are claims that have been completed and the device is now the property of the insurance company. These records will trigger a red result on CheckMEND.
itemcategory Integer The category which the device being registered fits under. A list of supported categories can be found here on the categories page.
serials Array An array containing one or more serials for the device, minimum of 1 element, minimum 5 characters per element 0-9 A-Z not exceeding 100 characters in length.
storeid Integer The ID of the store submitting the claim.
itemdescription String A description of the device, max length of 2000 characters.
make String The make of the device, max length of 50 characters.
model String The model of the device, max length of 50 characters.
claimdate String The date the claim was made formatted like YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00.
claimreference String The claim reference number, max length of 50 characters.
clameitemnumber String The item number (if multiple items share the same claim reference), max length of 50 characters.
claimnotes String Any notes to accompany the claim, max length of 2000 characters.

Fields in green are optional inputs and are not required for the request to be serviced.

Example Request

    "claimtype": "logged",
    "itemcategory": 1,
    "serials": ["354794053400271", "2342LDK321RT"],
    "storeid": 1,
    "itemdescription": "Mobile phone",
    "make": "SAMSUNG",
    "model": "GALAXY ACE",
    "claimdate": "2014-01-11 09:37:19",
    "claimreference": "32JDK-3923892",
    "claimitemnumber": 1,
    "claimnotes": "Any notes on claim"


The API will respond with a HTTP status code of 201 and JSON output listed below.

Example Response

    "transactionid": "CLAIMSCHECK:CLAIM:6ADFFF53-7D92-4778-98E3-CB9844EF089B"