Recipero Ltd.

Global property history reporting and due-diligence API

Calls to the API must be for genuine use and responses from the API must not be stored for the purpose of creating an offline copy of the information stored. Failure to comply with this requirement will infringe the API License.

ClaimsCheck API Methods

Searching ClaimsCheck

POST /claimscheck/search


The purpose of this method is to provide a ClaimsCheck response to the provided serial number. The request and response will be in JSON format and will provide the same information available on the ClaimsCheck website.


Example Request with Serial

    "serial": "354794053400271",
    "storeid": 1,
    "claimreference": false

Example Request with Crime Reference

    "crimereference": "BF/08/1090",
    "storeid": 1,
    "claimreference": false


The table below describes the output received from a ClaimsCheck Search request.
Field Name Value Description
serial String (0-9 A-Z) The serial number searched.
serialdetails Object An object that contains details about the serial number.
➜ wellformedimei Boolean Returns true if the serial is an IMEI with the correct checkdigit.
➜ modelinformation Array of Objects An array of objects describing possible makes/models related to this serial.
➜ manufacturer String Manufacturer of devices. Array of possible models.
➜ models Array of Objects Array of possible models.
➜ name String Model name of device.
➜ colour String Colour of device.
➜ storage String Storage on device.
➜ fmipstatus String Only displays if your account has appropriate privileges. Possible Outputs:
  • notapplicable - This device is not on the FMIP system.
  • notactivated - This device is not subject to activation lock on FMIP.
  • activated - This device is subject to activation lock on FMIP.
  • lost - This device is registered lost on FMIP.
checkmendlastsearched String Date or Null The date the serial number was last checked on CheckMEND. Null is returned if the serial has not been checked.
checkmendstatus Object The current status of the serial on CheckMEND at present.
➜ certid String The certificate ID which can be used to return the full certificate from the CheckMEND website.
➜ result String: red, amber or green The overall result of the check.
patriothistory Array of Objects An array containing all the previous searches on this serial.
➜ searchdate String Date The date of the search.
➜ insurer String The name of the insurer.
➜ contactnumber String The contact number of the insurer.
ownership Array of Objects An array containing the ownership records associated with the serial.
➜ datasource String The source/product that created the record.
➜ dateadded String Date The date the record was added.
➜ make String The make of the item on record.
➜ model String The model of the item on record.
stolen Array of Objects An array containing stolen records associated with the serial.
➜ identifier String The serial connected with the record.
➜ datasource String or Null Product that created the record, null if a police record.
➜ dateupdated String Date The date the record was created/updated.
➜ reference String The reference attached to the record.
➜ policeforce String or Null The police force that created the record, null if the record was created by a Recipero product such as Immobilised.
loss Array of Objects An array containing loss records associated with the serial.
➜ identifier String The serial connected with the record.
➜ datasource String Product that created the record, null if a police record.
➜ dateupdated String Date The date the record was created/updated.
➜ reference String The reference attached to the record.
➜ policeforce String The police force that created the record, null if the record was created by a Recipero product such as Immobilised.
found Array of Objects An array containing found records associated with the serial.
➜ identifier String The serial connected with the record.
➜ reference String The reference attached to the record.
➜ founddate String Date The date the item was found.
➜ location String The location of the item.
➜ policeforce String The police force that created the record.
claims Array of Objects An array containing claim records associated with the serial.
➜ identifier String The serial connected with the record.
➜ reference String The reference attached to the record.
➜ insurer String The name of the insurer that created the record.
➜ claimdate String Date The date the claim was settled.
➜ makemodel String The make/model registered on the claim record.
blocklist Array of Objects An array containing current block status of the handset and its block/unblock history.
➜ blocked Boolean If true, the serial is currently blocked by one or more networks.
➜ history Array of Objects An array of block/unblock records.
➜ eventtype String: block or unblock This identifies whether the record is a block or an unblock.
➜ recorddate String Date The date the record was created.
➜ reason String The reason for the block.
➜ network String The network that placed the block.
➜ notes String Notes on the block from the network.

Example Response

    "serial": "354794053400271",
        "wellformedimei": true,
                "manufacturer": "SAMSUNG",
                        "name": "GALAXY ACE",
                        "colour": "",
                        "storage": ""
        "fmipstatus": "notapplicable"
    "checkmendlastsearched": "2013-04-06 12:43:22",
        "certid": "23-1231BE12OAO-213:2132AB",
        "result": "red"
            "searchdate": "2014-01-14 10:03:54",
            "insurer": "EXAMPLE",
            "contactnumber": "21310918912"
            "searchdate": "2014-01-15 12:45:11",
            "insurer": "EXAMPLE",
            "contactnumber": "21310918912"
            "datasource": "IMMOBILISE",
            "dateadded": "2013-06-30 22:59:00",
            "make": "SAMSUNG",
            "model": "GALAXY ACE"
            "identifier": "354794053400271",
            "datasource": "IMMOBILISE",
            "dateupdated": "2013-06-30 23:01:59",
            "reference": false,
            "policeforce": false
            "identifier": "354794053400271",
            "datasource": "IMMOBILISE",
            "dateupdated": "2013-06-30 23:01:59",
            "reference": false,
            "policeforce": false
            "identifier": "354794053400271",
            "reference": "312-MT",
            "founddate": "2014-01-12 10:35:11",
            "location": "London",
            "policeforce": "Met"
            "identifier": "354794053400271",
            "reference": "65463432",
            "insurer": "EXAMPLE",
            "claimdate": "2014-01-12 10:35:11",
            "makemodel": "SAMSUNG PHONE"
        "blocked": false,
                "eventtype": "block",
                "recorddate": "2013-06-30",
                "reason": "Stolen",
                "network": "Orange UK (PLC)",
                "notes": "None"